How to make an outstanding pitch deck with AI


How to make an outstanding pitch deck with AI





    However, creating an effective pitch deck is a challenging task. That’s where the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) comes into play. In this blog post, we will explore how AI can enhance your pitch deck creation process, step-by-step, revolutionizing the way you present your ideas and captivating your audience. Creating a sales deck with AI follows a similar workflow to pitch decks.

    • Mistral AI is assembling a world-class team to develop the best generative AI models, aiming to serve as a European counterpoint to US companies like OpenAI.
    • A pitch deck is an essential fundraising tool, whether you’re looking to raise $100,000 or $100,000,000.
    • It can even suggest pricing strategies and provide use cases to better articulate your value proposition to potential investors.
    • We offer a generous free trial so you can try our software before buying.
    • Visit today to explore their AI-powered pitch deck enhancement services and revolutionize how you present your ideas to the world.

    With Jasper’s cutting-edge technology, you can be sure that your pitch deck will hit the right notes and make a powerful impact on potential investors. An artificial intelligence pitch deck reduces hours and even days of work for you and your startup. But there’s a catch – if you’re using an AI PPT pitch deck maker then you’re saving all that time for nothing. The company says it is starting with VC firms and pitch decks but plans to expand its tech to other industries such as recruitment and procurement. The company’s first phase is to take the unstructured data that lives in a pitch deck and turn it into structured data that can be used as a filter vis-à-vis the VC’s filters. Another key consideration is the sensitivity to your audience’s needs and preferences.

    AI pitch deck creators like, Canva, and others provide robust design tools that require no design skills. These AI tools can generate slide deck layouts, choose appropriate fonts, embed social media feeds, create compelling infographics, and more. Real-time adjustments can be made, making these tools a dream come true for many entrepreneurs. With AI deck generators, creating an engaging, professional pitch deck is within reach for every entrepreneur. offers an artificial intelligence-powered platform designed to modernise direct-to-patient telehealth systems. Gestoos develops AI software that enables machines to recognize human behavior faster than ever before. AI Rudder is a software company that harnesses the power of AI voice automation to supercharge customer experiences. No PowerPoint chatgpt maker will make you a presentation that moves the needle.

    ai pitch deck

    We offer a refunds for up to 30 days of unused quota & credits. For Pro plans, refunds will be prorated based on the number of slides generated. Otherwise, if you have used Instant to generate slides within a given billing period, the corresponding payment will not be refundable.

    You can also build custom templates for your content, with rich text, plain text, dropdown, and attachment sections. This helps you get structured input from your team in case you are delegating the pitch deck creation activity to others. Narrato is an AI content workspace that can help with everything in your content process. And yes, that includes the content you create for pitch deck presentations.

    AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and generate valuable insights that can be incorporated into your pitch deck. This allows for more accurate market research, competitive analysis, and data-driven projections. AI can also provide creative design suggestions, ensuring that your pitch deck is visually compelling and engaging. PowerPoint is a popular tool used to create pitch decks. Its functionalities allow for the integration of text, images, graphs, and animations to create a compelling narrative.

    Tailor your pitch deck to speak directly to their interests and concerns. Storytelling is another way you can boost the emotional appeal of your pitch deck. And AI tools like ChatGPT can help you build compelling and emotionally engaging narratives within your pitch deck. So, make sure that you do thorough market research before building your pitch deck.

    The company has been on a rapid growth trajectory, according to its CEO, who said the platform has about 75 million users. Thoma Bravo and the Goldman Sachs Group led Aisera’s Series-D round last month. Its investors also include Khosla Ventures and Menlo Ventures. A pitch deck is a visual presentation that encapsulates your business idea, value proposition, and growth potential. It is a concise yet comprehensive overview of your business, designed to capture the attention of investors and stakeholders. A strong pitch deck is crucial because it conveys your vision, market opportunity, competitive advantage, and financial projections.

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