Rachel Getting Married 2008


Rachel Getting Married 2008

Sober living




    From coming-of-age teenage stories to sobering tales of childhood trauma and stardom, here are the best movies about addiction and recovery you should watch. Depictions of addiction and recovery are not sparse in Hollywood, as filmmakers have focused on telling stories of drug use, alcoholism, alcoholic narcissist alcohol and narcissistic personality disorder trauma, loss, and rehabilitation on-screen for decades. Though some films glorify the act of addiction rather than portraying the journey of recovery, there are still numerous movies that deliver honest, authentic performances of people both in recovery and actively coping with addiction.

    1. In a January appearance on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” Hathaway joked about bad hangover stories before revealing that she wasn’t going to drink anymore until her young son had moved out of the house.
    2. What “Drugstore Cowboy” depicts is how toxic relationships can perpetuate addiction, as we see Bob proclaim to return to his old ways in an effort to win back Dianne’s affection.
    3. Adam is an unapologetic pothead and according to the May 6th print edition of National Enquirer, now so is his wife Anne.

    Though largely overlooked by the awards ceremonies, the series earned Allison Janney, who played Christy’s mother Bonnie, a Primetime Emmy for her portrayal. After tasting mainstream success in The X-Files, David Duchovny went on to star in Californication, Showtime’s Emmy Award-winning series that ran from 2007 to 2014. Duchovny plays wisecracking Hank Moody, a writer with a series of addictions that worsen following a move to Los Angeles to work on an adaptation of his best-selling novel.


    Denzel Washington plays an airline pilot named Whip Whitaker in this 2012 drama. During the movie, an intoxicated Whitaker heroically saves most of his flight’s passengers during a crash landing. However, Whitaker spends the rest of the film examining the landing details under the microscope of a National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigation. We could view Kym’s return to rehab as a failed attempt to reconcile with her estranged family. We can also see Kym returning to inpatient treatment with unsolved family issues as one of the outcomes facing a person who leaves rehab early.

    Though the depiction of Cash’s romance with Carter may seem to play into the savior complex that addiction-focused movies often lean into, the translation of the pair’s real-life relationship to the silver screen is actually quite accurate. Anne Hathaway has formerly shared that she’s no longer drinking, joining a growing number of celebrities who don’t consume alcohol. At our Massachusetts addiction treatment center, we understand why many guide to living with an alcoholic people choose to quit drinking, even if they haven’t been diagnosed with alcohol use disorder. Celebrities and everyday people don’t need to hit rock bottom to turn their lives around. This is not the first time Hathaway’s movies have dealt with drug addiction. Hathaway told IndieWire that Colossal is the “sci-fi companion” to her former movie Rachel Getting Married, in which she also plays a character struggling with drug addiction.

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    Over the course of the film, we learn that Nick is an alcoholic and got blackout drunk with a female colleague in Denver, but has no memory of whether or not they slept together. Eventually, after going through withdrawal and coming to terms with his addiction, Nick decides to let all of his things go and sell them for cheap. He continues to cross paths with drug users he once ran around with and finds himself haunted by his old habits. One day, two men try to rob Bob for drugs and one of them shoots him during the scuffle. The incident leads Bob to believe that he has paid his debts for his past, but that it will always be present within him. After the convention, Maggie finally tells Jamie how much she loves him.

    Without beating people over the head we show that a group of senior citizens and one sick young woman need to go to Canada in order to get their prescription meds. These people are sick and shouldn’t have to go to such great lengths to attempt to be healthy. You might also find this a bit of a challenge if you’re constantly in an alcohol-friendly environment, like if you work at a bar or live with friends who tend to party a lot. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try an alcohol break if you’re interested. Just anticipate that the change may be a little hard for you and try to think ahead of ways to stick with your resolution, Dr. Streem says. And, mentally, there’s something to be said for proving to yourself that you can go without drinking and be just fine or learning to develop healthier coping mechanisms along the way.

    Talk to our recovery specialists today and learn about our integrated treatment programs. We hope these movies remind and encourage you that treatment programs and people are willing to help. Here are five of the most sober living for women in beverly, ma inspiring movies to watch about addiction recovery. Filmmakers have a way of presenting addiction in various lights, whether through comedy, the origin stories of world-famous entertainers, or family struggles.

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    Whitaker, who we see struggling to control his drinking, has the opportunity to clear his name at the impending NTSB hearing. However, he tells the truth about being under the influence while piloting the plane. Although Whitaker ends up serving jail time, he uses his sentence to get clean.

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    Nic wants to be a writer and is initially a good student with high hopes for his own future. But his sobriety flounders when he finds a bottle of pills in his girlfriend’s parents’ medicine cabinet. David learns that Nic is now using heroin and what ensues is a long story of a father trying to get help for his son. At the investigative hearing, Whitaker admits that he was drunk on the day of the crash, as well as during the hearing itself. While imprisoned, he helps his fellow inmates with their sobriety and begins rebuilding his relationship with his family.

    “I don’t totally love the way I (drink) and (my son is) getting to an age where he really does need me all the time in the mornings,” Hathaway said. “I did one school run one day where I dropped him off at school, I wasn’t driving, but I was hungover and that was enough for me. I didn’t love that one.” If you’re not interested in watching feature-length movies but are still curious about addiction recovery, we wrote a blog post about five of the most popular TV shows exploring teen substance use.

    Anne Hathaway has had quite the Hollywood career ever since breaking into the business as a teen to play a real-life Disney princess. You could say many fans grew up with Hathaway, thanks to her role in 2001’s “The Princess Diaries” and later 2007’s “The Devil Wears Prada,” which made her the movie star she is today. Over the past two decades, her career has continued to evolve with roles that have ranged anywhere from a drug addict, to a secret agent, to even a witch.

    The movie shows Charles navigating through affairs, racism experienced during the civil rights era, and various business problems with executives and musicians within his camp. However, none of the issues portrayed in the movie give Charles more problems than his struggles with an addiction to heroin, a natural opiate. We’ve curated a list of five of the most thoughtful and inspiring movies that use addiction recovery to invoke self-reflection. Gia was “too beautiful to die” yet “too wild to live.” She had a wild and passionate life, but it was tragically cut short.

    Starring the then unknown pairing of Gary Oldman and Chloe Webb in the lead roles, the film documents Vicious’ descent into heroin addiction after being introduced to the drug by the already-hooked Spungen. It makes for unsettling viewing, but rarely have the psychological highs of stardom and the pharmacological lows of addiction been filmed more compellingly. “I quit drinking back in October,” she recently said on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

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