Esports News: LoL, Dota 2, Hearthstone


Esports News: LoL, Dota 2, Hearthstone





    Professional leagues are increasingly franchised, and esports teams are building sizable, and in some cases nearly cult, followings —looking at you TeamSoloMid. There are seasons where teams play scheduled games which culminate in playoffs and major international events. More and more players now have contracts, and teams are increasingly investing in training facilities and headquarters.

    Moreover, many European countries have started broadcasting eSports on major channels. In addition, large online gaming platforms dedicate resources to eSports streaming. Epic Games, in particular, has made great strides with Fortnite game tournaments and competitions available for fan viewing. Our esports news stories will help you follow the progress of competitive gaming and get a good idea of where it could be heading next.


    There’s a multi-billion-dollar skin trading market behind CSGO, and as a brand, it’s backed by some top-tier sponsors, the likes of which include the computing giant, Intel. Even when CSGO tournaments were taken offline due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the popular FPS title remained at the top of the table. Finally, it has been confirmed that CSGO betting is the most popular category for esports bettors, with the overall market cap for CSGO markets sitting at around 50% of all esports bets.

    • Our analysis of the esports industry will be based upon statistics and news stories that only come from the most respected sources.
    • Whilst we all know that classic esports like League of Legends, CSGO and Dota 2 are undeniably the big hitters in the world of competitive gaming, it’s always interesting to see which newer titles are set to make a breakthrough.
    • Games such as StarCraft II,[142] League of Legends,[143] and Dota 2[144] have all been designed, at least in part, to support professional competition.
    • As esports have developed, it has also become common for players to use automated matchmaking clients built into the games themselves.

    Above all, we want to help make a little more sense of the often chaotic world of . So that whether you are following Team Liquid, Rogue, eUnited or FlyQuest, you won’t miss out on any important matches or interesting rumours. As well, we are going to cover the most important Esports business news, focusing on the gaming financial aspect of this industry. DAMWON Gaming’s victory at the League of Legends World Championship marked the first time since 2017 that a South Korean team had lifted the Summoner’s Cup and was redemption for the country’s League of Legends esports. In addition to professional and amateur esports, esports have drawn attention of colleges and high schools since 2008.

    A lag as low as 100 milliseconds can have debilitating effects on a user’s experience—in fact, professional matches with high lag are paused until the problem is resolved. As a result, if a developer decides it doesn’t make financial sense to service a significant swath of the world, then players from those regions will never have the opportunity to enter the professional scene, or even play the game well. And there are the “hands on” developers like Riot Games, Activision Blizzard, and Valve Corporation, who actively organize the professional scene for their respective games. Realizing the incredible market these spaces created, the Korean government got involved and created the Korean Esport Association (KeSPA), the first governmental body dedicated to video game and esports regulation in the world. At the same time, a plethora of cheap television stations took off due to the South Korean government’s telecommunication development program. This fusion between popular, competition-fostering social spaces and a free-access live streaming service dedicated to highly skilled players helped esports grow into a popular part of Korean society.

    Esports are dynamic creations, becoming cultural phenomena which attracts thousands of eager viewers. Yet they have also been hugely overlooked, and only now are receiving the acknowledgement that they deserve. Most people recognize the names Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, and Tom Brady, figures often seen as the faces of their respective sports.

    Like traditional sports teams, esports organisations are well known for changing their rosters. But we will keep you informed of when any potentially significant line-up changes could be happening to your favourite esports team. We all know how top esports teams like Unicorns of Love, Evil Geniuses and have made some big transfers over the years, and we’ll help you anticipate when an important move is about to be made. We will be covering all of the major esports contests like the International, DreamHack, ESL One, Intel Extreme Masters, Overwatch League and much more to give you detailed analysis of what really went on at these gaming showdowns. We will also be paying special attention to those esports organisations who have delivering tournament winning performances.

    Teams which have ties with the Russian government won’t be able to play in the upcoming season of the ESL Pro League. It’s time for the reclamation of Gilneas as the upcoming Seeds of Renewal update will finally return the Worgen race to its capital. With the 10th League of Legends World Championship under way, its time to test your knowledge about some of our favorite plays. With the 2020 League of Legends World Championship over, our staff took a look ahead at how all the teams stack up for 2021. With the launch of the Xbox Series X and S, Microsoft is taking a whole new approach to the console wars. Arda Ocal talks to Microsoft executive vice president of gaming Phil Spencer to find out what the company has planned.

    One streamer threw her cat, while another called his teammates dogs, and a third abused his girlfriend. And then there are the cases where streamers are “pranked” by their viewers, such as the particularly dangerous “S.W.A.T.” This is when a viewer calls 911 to the streamer’s address, upon which a S.W.A.T. team breaks into the house. This places the streamer in unnecessary danger and wastes law enforcement time and money. Already, at least one person has been killed by the practice; although they weren’t a streamer, the intended target was a video game player. With no way of filtering prank tips from real tips, malicious actors could endanger streamers and individuals around the globe, selecting their targets due to nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, race, or any other host of factors. This indicates that developers are beginning to increase their support of the Middle Eastern-North Africa (MENA) region, but it is a slow and incremental process that neglects the rest of the continent.

    The first is simple because if a game isn’t fun to play, then it’s not going to be enjoyable to watch and players will lose interest quickly. On the other hand, balance is key because otherwise the game becomes uninteresting. For example, if one gun was outright better than all of the others in Counter-Strike, nobody would use anything else and each match would be incredibly repetitive. One example of an almost-perfect experience with regards to balance is Rocket League esports. Everyone is on an identical playing field aside from the car, which has a negligible effect on gameplay anyway – it results in a high skill ceiling and the concept is accessible for newcomers, since it’s simply football with flying cars.

    I know many of you may go crosseyed with numbers, but we all know money is a great motivator and justifier for things to exist. We all also know that relating new concepts back to industries we all know and are comfortable with does give perspective. There’s no catch-all solution to tune in to esports events, but the overwhelming majority will be streamed on Twitch. To find the specific events taking place, the website Esports Calendar is a handy resource that lists most events happening for the bigger games in the esports industry. Pretty much every single esports event will be streamed live, whether it’s the biggest annual competition or a regional qualifier for a league. Each year, the esports industry expands beyond anything we as gamers ever thought possible.

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