Here are some tips on staying sober during Dry January


Here are some tips on staying sober during Dry January

Sober living




    Sobriety is a general term for staying away from mood and mind-altering substances. Dr Alexis Missick, a GP with UK Meds, agrees that recreational drug use shouldn’t be seen as the lesser of two evils when it comes to substances and sobriety. “All of these drugs are metabolised by the liver and their products then have effects on other organs, like the skin, heart, brain and kidneys,” she says. “They all can have potentially negative effects on the body surpassing the feeling of nausea, vomiting, and uncoordinated movements.

    Staying sober is hard

    My current goal is to get a book published, and though that might never happen, working toward it gives me a sense of purpose that I just didn’t have when drinking and using. When I started setting major goals for myself in life, I think my life got exponentially better for a simple reason. I’ve probably said this a dozen times in this article, but going to therapy probably saved my life. Deal with your cognitive distortions by seeking therapy. Many times, I’ve found that therapy with a Master’s level clinician can help me to stop looking at the negative and focus on the positive.

    Introducing the New Casual Sobriety

    Having a strong support system is crucial for staying sober. This can include friends, family, a sponsor, a therapist, or a support group. Make sure to surround yourself with people who understand and support your sobriety. Fighting for your recovery with strength and courage will come from deep within you. You will not think that staying sober is hard anymore.

    Staying sober is hard

    Living as a productive individual who is inspired, empowered, and motivated in your recovery. Even though you may think that staying sober is hard, remember, you are worth it. Sobriety is selfish in the sense that it’s all about you, but the motivation behind wanting to be in sobriety doesn’t have to be all about you. There are many different circumstances that motivate people to begin their recovery journey. One of those reasons may also be your sober motivation.

    Stay Hydrated

    Sobriety can be a particularly challenging pursuit for someone with an addiction like alcohol use disorder. Additionally, your wallet will thank you when you don’t indulge. Quitting drinking can save thousands of dollars a year — not only the amount you would normally spend on alcohol but also, impulse buys you make while under the influence. It didn’t help matters that he wasn’t very friendly, but I understood.

    It can include a medically-supervised detox, various forms of treatment, including therapy and 12-step programs, and calling upon family, friends, and professionals for additional support. Early sobriety may come with feelings of fatigue, anxiety, or depression. You may also experience sobriety triggers (people, places, and things that trigger the desire to use). Know that it will get easier as you move through treatment and explore why you were using drugs or alcohol in the first place. It’s been more than two years since I started drinking again, but it still feels completely different – because my attitude towards alcohol is completely different.

    How Hard is It to Maintain Sobriety?

    So what I do to fight the pandemic’s isolation is to go to lots of online meetings. I’m also not too interested in going to in-person meetings because of the risk of contracting COVID-19. In addition, drugs like amphetamines not only prevent this reuptake but actually boost dopamine production altogether. Excessively high levels of dopamine are neurotoxic and can damage your brain’s neurons. There are millions of obstacles and issues that you must face. Contact us for more resources, tips, and personalized treatment.

    Whether it’s a hike or a nice park, heading into nature is a good way to watch the natural world moving and slow down your thinking. Get your mind off drugs and alcohol, by walking into nature and enjoying the colors, the sights, and sounds. It’s important to remember that you’re going to be craving alcohol to reward the short-term part of your brain, not the long term.

    Yes, it can be quite fun watching people get drunk for a while, but it can also get boring (some drunk folk just love having the same conversation over and over). But if you’re with people you love, you shouldn’t need booze to have fun. A routine keeps me feeling like I’m doing the right thing, that I’m productive.

    • Addiction is always a ‘known.’ It keeps you in the same place, in the same feelings, and in the same state of being for however long you’re living it.
    • It could jeopardize your job or chances for an amazing career.
    • I ended up completely abstaining from booze for over a year (a large chunk of which was during a series of national lockdowns, when many ramped up their alcohol intake instead).
    • It used to leave me sobbing with anxiety and regret and I don’t want to be that girl anymore.
    • Nobody likes to admit this, but life can feel quite boring in the first few months of recovery – which can be a reason why people relapse at such fast and alarming rates that they do.
    • It is an arduous journey, and you deserve a celebration for every milestone you hit.

    Rhythmic breathing can help you focus your attention — away from thoughts of drinking. Organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous are other ways to build a support network. You can try different meetings for the different groups to find one that’s right for you. We may receive advertising being sober around drinkers fees if you follow links to promoted online therapy websites. I left rehab after struggling with eight years of eating disorders, and the moment I was back at home I ran too much and pulled a ligament after months of non-activity. Regardless why you entered, there is always the pressure to stay in it.

    Recognize Personal and Environmental Triggers, and Avoid Them

    Staying sober is hard work and will demand significant life adjustments. However, a life of complete sobriety, even after years of addiction, is achievable with the right level of commitment, support, and coping skills. We have compiled 15 tips on how to stay sober and live an addiction-free life. Learning sober coping strategies to deal with stress can help you stay calm and avoid triggering explosive emotional reactions or relapse. The goal is not to avoid feeling angry or upset but to self-soothe without substances.

    • Drinking alcohol or using any illegal drugs not only diminishes your well being, but can cause you to contract diseases and destroy your body’s ability to properly function.
    • The cravings will come inevitably, but you should allow memories of the pain of addiction to keep you going.
    • I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen struggle to stay sober because they were in physical pain.
    • This does not mean, however, that you have to be perpetually busy.

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